
Sunday, September 11, 2016


In most countries of the world there are organisations that are established for purposes of serving the public interest as well as the client by promoting the security of plants,property ,design specification and survey in a standard format. These standard are only best interpreted by the community of professionals involved in the acts and of cause an entire culture that is adopted at its best , like  a decorum..:Their primary objective are development , verification and conformity  of standards for design construction  and maintenance application and operation of oil and gas factories.and other related activities.They deals with the policy of standardization and provides quality services in support of the mission, and to response to collective needs  of the client commitment and supportive actions and services. The services can be organised as expression of quality and the pledge to monitor operational performance as an ongoing activity and to strive for continuous improvement.In recent years there has been  an increasing reliance by owners on store based personnel, for repair and maintenance of machinery on board vessel and offshore structures (ABB,2003). Planned and condition based maintenance are the two techniques presented in this project and other related activity which could be used to assist the owner of oil and gas in maintaining machinery . these techniques are used concurrently to the planned maintenance which is the setting formal schedule for maintenance and overhaul of machines running hour or calendar hour which may be used for establishing a schedule.Such schedules are generally established by the manufacturer and includes lubrication servicing, bearing and seal replacement as well as minor and major overhaul.
Condition based maintenance involved the use of diagnostic technology to monitor machine condition. this process involved establishing a based line and operating parameters , then periodically monitoring the machine and comparing any change in operating condition to the baseline. The repairs of replacement are carried out based upon the detection and fault diagnosis of the machine towards a condition of failure.The common tools used in monitoring are vibration analysis, oil analysis,ferrography, thermography,electric current, wave form analysis and stroboscopic examination. Supplemental technologist such as demodulation ultrasonic analysis, shock pulse and spike energy, HFD etc.roller bearing element condition monitoring may be used in addition to liberation analysis. Measurement are taken in periodical hours.

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