
Saturday, September 17, 2016


In the process of the implementation of the project, the following statement shall be formed to ensure safe completion of the contractor task and effective performance and deliverance of the project.
There shall be induction courses that would be organised by the client on the system of the site operation,which will illustrate the way of the work permit in every daily activity and the method of documentation including the materials storage system and cases of emergency procedure shall also be addressed.The following steps shall be adopted:
i, To make sure that the permit to work signed every morning and the accompanied documentation          distributed to their various location.
ii.The personnel health,safety,environment and security is given the highest priority over all the other      activities
iii.Toolbox meeting shall be convened and documented prior to start the work and also addressed             associated harzards,
iv.To Provide adequate personnel and appropriate protective equipment (PPEs) to all the workmen involved in the project task.
v.There shall also be displacement of awarness posters, safety tape, sign board,at strategical position in  the event of the task execution
vi.If the work activity is not safe, do not start,but where it is started do not continue.
vii,There shall be emergency response procedures at the site of the job execution.
viii.There shall also be construction, logistics, and installation safety procedures at the site and in the event of the contract.
ix. The tag-in and tag-out procedure to the project site and in the event of the contract execution shall be given the appropriate priority and mandatory it deserved.
x. The protection of the area for welding, hydro-test,and x-ray zones with red safety tape ,and resistant tarpaulin including fire safety gas sensors to avoid the occurrence of accident and incident is mandatory.
xi. The site of the construction work shall be inspected with explosive meter prior to the job execution on each daily activity.

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