
Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The methodology of project shall conform to the activity stage, and the visual outcome would be discussed at the management meeting each morning and evening after the day activity, and it will be in consistent stage.The contractor report of  the site performance and other related activity shall be presented in each meeting with the company management indicating the scopes and stage of completion.the process of construction and fabrication including validation of permit for daily toolbox meeting and site inspection takes place morning. And thereafter the site will be tidied or cleaned after the daily activity. it is also imperative to have effective site supervision making sure that all the fabricated parts meet the regulated standard and specification of the design.


The contractor arrived at the site at a certain time but there seem to be problem to pass through the main gate of the operating company but it was finally resolved. They were taken to the department that had the project and were introduced to the safety department for actual identification and orientation by the safety officer. A tag-in and tag-out identity card were issued to the contractor company.The contractor operating equipment and devices were located to a suitable place, for easier accessibility to the project site and would be provided accommodation in a favorable area, if it were  part of the contract agreement. And while the activity will be ongoing the reports shall be stated thus:
a. Arrived at the site and there was entrance issues,contacted the department concerned and the issue were finally resolved.
b. The truck conveying equipment and tools for the job arrived at a certain interval and it was located at the preferred warehouse .
c.The approved permit were signed and validated,toolbox meeting was convened at the site in the presence of all the personnel .Thereafter the recommended procedures and safety protective tapes and isolation of the processes were also performed including explosive meter test which was conducted in the presence of the client.
d.The basic requirement that defined the activity at the site was the plan, and the orientation  program which involved site precedence diagram and the nodes, and was presented to the site management of the company.It also enabled their activity planning to conformed to the requirement of the contractor. .The instrument process and loop diagram were also re-evaluated, and traced, whether there were changes from the original design. Its conformity would activates the operating plants efficiency, after the modification. It was also necessary that while the exercise of the modification was ongoing, the company provided the construction contractor their meeting plan and regular operational details and consistent re-evaluation study of the project.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


In the process of the implementation of the project, the following statement shall be formed to ensure safe completion of the contractor task and effective performance and deliverance of the project.
There shall be induction courses that would be organised by the client on the system of the site operation,which will illustrate the way of the work permit in every daily activity and the method of documentation including the materials storage system and cases of emergency procedure shall also be addressed.The following steps shall be adopted:
i, To make sure that the permit to work signed every morning and the accompanied documentation          distributed to their various location.
ii.The personnel health,safety,environment and security is given the highest priority over all the other      activities
iii.Toolbox meeting shall be convened and documented prior to start the work and also addressed             associated harzards,
iv.To Provide adequate personnel and appropriate protective equipment (PPEs) to all the workmen involved in the project task.
v.There shall also be displacement of awarness posters, safety tape, sign board,at strategical position in  the event of the task execution
vi.If the work activity is not safe, do not start,but where it is started do not continue.
vii,There shall be emergency response procedures at the site of the job execution.
viii.There shall also be construction, logistics, and installation safety procedures at the site and in the event of the contract.
ix. The tag-in and tag-out procedure to the project site and in the event of the contract execution shall be given the appropriate priority and mandatory it deserved.
x. The protection of the area for welding, hydro-test,and x-ray zones with red safety tape ,and resistant tarpaulin including fire safety gas sensors to avoid the occurrence of accident and incident is mandatory.
xi. The site of the construction work shall be inspected with explosive meter prior to the job execution on each daily activity.


There are series of work that are usually performed in any project site, though not minding the classification but the programmes define the interval in which it may fall.At  present the assumption  is pump installation or reconstruction of the process loops,for instance the discharge and the suction lines modification.The mechanical Engineer responsibility may includes the following steps: i. preparation of the materials,
ii.Revision of the implementation and follow up of the modified drawings, which may includes the following details:a. Establishing and execution of modification schedule and sequence b.Control of modification documentation and drawings.
                 c, Overall site safety management.
                 d Ensure proper quality assurance QC and QA and the safety plans.
                 e. Provide as  built drawings,
Equipment and tool list that will be required in the sequence of the task and execution of various plans may involved such as stated below:
Hydrotest pump.
Air compressor
Pressure guage of various range, 0 -100 (bar), 0-150 (bar),0-250(bar) or may be calibrated in Metric range to suite the site requirement.
Vibration analyser
Lincoln welding machine
Oxy-acetylene rack and gas cylinders
Welding torch
Travelling block 10-25(tons)
Crane of about 25(tons)
Dye penetrant equipment
X-Ray equipment
Mechanical toolbox
Portable grinder
Measurement and inspection instrument,dial gauges,magnetic stand
Vernier caliper,micrometer gauges,steel rule,measuring tape .
Power drilling machines
Classified lifting belt
Battery drilling machine
Rotalign instrument

The permit to work shall be raise based on the client project work program and recommendation ,which may also conform with their schedules in the project work program. The phases with the accompanied project nodes and precedence diagram will define the work scope of activities on hourly interval and the required man hour. In some organization work permit is always prepared within 48 hours. And is one of the mandatory requirement and a certificate for the work execution and commencement.
A supervisory department shall also be informed of the project specification and the period of commencement of the activity. The necessary personal protective equipment shall  also be a mandatory requirement and shall conform to standard specification of the company or client.
On commencement of the activity pre job safety meeting and tool-box shall be conducted at the site on timely interval.The contractor first aid box shall always be available throughout the operation including the first aider .The company shall educate the contractor of the necessary steps involved in any safety alarm and other methods of tag-in and tag-out systems which will enable successful sequence in the project construction and execution. A supervisor shall be attached to the contractor to ascertain that the project is adequately supervised to conformity.The client work permit rule for validation and audit shall be applied at the site when necessary and as an intricate requirement to conformation.All the personnels on the job shall ensure good house keeping and after the job, and all the generated waste shall also be evacuated in conformity with the client management procedures and policy. No other job that will impact on the contractor will be done during the activity interval. The facility manager will approve all the necessary each work permit before the work will commence on each day.


Sunday, September 11, 2016


In most countries of the world there are organisations that are established for purposes of serving the public interest as well as the client by promoting the security of plants,property ,design specification and survey in a standard format. These standard are only best interpreted by the community of professionals involved in the acts and of cause an entire culture that is adopted at its best , like  a decorum..:Their primary objective are development , verification and conformity  of standards for design construction  and maintenance application and operation of oil and gas factories.and other related activities.They deals with the policy of standardization and provides quality services in support of the mission, and to response to collective needs  of the client commitment and supportive actions and services. The services can be organised as expression of quality and the pledge to monitor operational performance as an ongoing activity and to strive for continuous improvement.In recent years there has been  an increasing reliance by owners on store based personnel, for repair and maintenance of machinery on board vessel and offshore structures (ABB,2003). Planned and condition based maintenance are the two techniques presented in this project and other related activity which could be used to assist the owner of oil and gas in maintaining machinery . these techniques are used concurrently to the planned maintenance which is the setting formal schedule for maintenance and overhaul of machines running hour or calendar hour which may be used for establishing a schedule.Such schedules are generally established by the manufacturer and includes lubrication servicing, bearing and seal replacement as well as minor and major overhaul.
Condition based maintenance involved the use of diagnostic technology to monitor machine condition. this process involved establishing a based line and operating parameters , then periodically monitoring the machine and comparing any change in operating condition to the baseline. The repairs of replacement are carried out based upon the detection and fault diagnosis of the machine towards a condition of failure.The common tools used in monitoring are vibration analysis, oil analysis,ferrography, thermography,electric current, wave form analysis and stroboscopic examination. Supplemental technologist such as demodulation ultrasonic analysis, shock pulse and spike energy, HFD etc.roller bearing element condition monitoring may be used in addition to liberation analysis. Measurement are taken in periodical hours.


The inspection of heat exchanger boiler ,turbine , engine and boiler are executed by the following optimal selected technologies,

 Multiple frequency eddy current
 Magnetic base eddy current
 Remote field eddy current
 Rotascan (rotational  eddy current system).
 Iris(rotational ultrasonic system).

Continuous inspection is of utmost importance for the company and its operations and serves to achieve the following.
Detection of damages at an early stage in order to maximize the life time of the component and the cost effective planning including  the repairs.
to avoid unforeseen plant shut-down due to component damage.
Avoid secondary damage of high value components
Avoid environmental damage and distraction of the company image.
Avoid reduction of the product quality.
increase operational safety and fulfillment of authorities requirements.
Achievement of the best analysis of production or process caused damages.
Inn-inspection may involved high level of tube inspection experience and accurate defect analysis. Advanced technologies offer high defect detection capacities and accurate defect analysis .With high inspection speed and low cleaning requirement. The cost of effective inspection are able to inspect the ferromagnetic and non ferrous magnetic tubes as well as fin fan tubes..Due to its embedded of advanced and comprehensive importing software, the clients are provided with the precise and accurate condition overviews as well as the result for individual tubes .The real time result is  also available while the inspection is in progress. The inspection  overview of the various heat exchanges  and boiler  tube inspection techniques can be illustrated as follows;
 the fan inclination and declination.
 the redial displacement of bearing or fouling
 the alignment and fracture etc.
 the tubes fins and cracks including rupture and twist.etc
 vibration due to slacken fixtures. etc.


Applications and properties

pump casing
turbine bore
cylinder bore
orbital weld pipe operation
fuel injector body
pipe inspection solution
close fitting inner diameter
large cavities - multiple object distance
very close focus
ultra violent ( uv) illumination
sheating types
video equipment and light service
intersecting passages
infared application
high magnification
high temperature.

Tools and Instrument
Mechanical too box
Electrical extension cables
electrical tool box
adaptable plugs and sockets
computer systems CCD AND LCD Monitors

Equipment and Apparatus.
milliscope 1.5(mm) diameter
                  2.5(mm) diameter
probe and micro tubes
zebra scope
4(mm) diameter
6(mm) diameter

muilti division
zebra scan
muiltscope probe

Monday, September 5, 2016


The following sequence can be adopted in the process of a piping modification activity of an expedition pump,installed in an export process line ,they may includes the following steps or procedures:
Disconnect suction and discharge pipe work including the auxiliary pipe work
Clear and flush lines before any hot work.
Cut off flange after valve on suction and discharge lines
install spectacle blind and flange suction and discharge lines
Assemble suction and discharge lines and adequately supports.
Access and evaluate extent of modification work to be perform on suction and discharge lines
Tack weld suction and discharge pipes
Remove suction pipe and weld fully
Radiograph all welds.
Dye penetrant and test all welds
Hydrotest suction and discharge pipes and lines.
Remove blind flange on suction line
Reinstall suction line and fix the pump on temporary supports.
Monitor coupling alignment
Remove blind flange on discharge lines.
Reinstall discharge line and fix the pump on temporary supports.
Rerun the coupling alignment,
Finalized pipe supports.
Make up the drain lines offsets on both suction and discharge lines.
Recheck coupling alignment and reconnect auxiliary pipe works.
Confirm pump and gearbox alignment.
Conduct pre-commissioning inspection
Commission pump and hand over to production department.


The following sequence can be adopted in the process of a piping modification activity of an expedition pump,installed in an export process line ,they may includes the following steps or procedures:


The list of abbreviation are often commonly applied in definition of standard and specification of data in a project. It illustrate the region or scope of terms in the documentation of the work.,And they are illustrated in such a system that will enable the specialist to know exactly the requirements and process of the implementation and presentation.It is important for every engineers and specialist to have good knowledge of them for reference purpose,it includes the following:
API 13,31&32 -For flushing of coolers and other systems.
API 21- flushing systems with abrasive products that are incompatible.
API 682 - Piping plan designation.
ASTM D833- Fracture mechanics,testing and inspection.
ASTM D3306 - unacceptable silicate coolant specification.
ASTM D4985 - Acceptable coolant specification
CBM - Condition based maintenance
CCF - Common cause failure.
CMMS- Computerised  management of maintenance system.
DDT - Digital data transducer.
ECM - Electronic control module.
FARADIP - Failure rate data in perspective.
FMEA - Failure mode effect analysis.
FMECA - Failure mode effect critical analysis.
IU7298 - Cooler tested specification.
LCC - Logistics cost category.
MOSAIC - Maintenance operations system and integrity checks.
MRO - Maintenance repair and overhaul
MTBI - Meantime time between inspection.
MTBM - Meantime between maintenance.
NLCC - Non logistics cost category.
NPV - New present value.
O & M - Operation and maintenance.
PDM - Predictive Maintenance.
PLASMA - Plant Stimulation Analysis.
RAM - Reliability Availability  Maintainability.
RCM - Reliability centered maintenance.
ROI - Return on investment
SAEJ 1349 - Specification of machine plan rating standard.
SENIR 313D - Torque specification of caterpillar
VRU - Vapour Recovery Unit.