: Many technology advances in the programmable controllers industry continue today and these advance are not only the programmable controller design, but also the philosophical approach to control systems architecture, changes include both hardware (physical components) and software (control programme) upgrades. The following list describes some recent PLC hardware enhancement..In using new advanced microprocessor and electronic technology.,faster scan time are being achieved.
-It is obvious that as hardware advances, so the software are also making changes to balance the trend of development in information network technology..
PLC;s have incorporated object oriented programming tools and multiple languages based on the JEC 1131 - 3 standard.
Small PLC;s have been provided with powerful instructions, which extend the area of application for these small controllers
-High level languages, such as Basic and Cobol have been implemented in some controllers modules to provide greater programming flexibility when communicating with peripheral devices and manipulating data.
-Advanced functional block instruction have been implemented for ladder diagram instruction sets to provide enhanced software capability using simple programming command.
- Diagnostics and fault detection have been expanded from simple diagnostics,which diagnose controls malfunctions to includes machines which diagnose failures or the malfunction of the control machine or process.
- Floating point math has made it possible to perform complex calculations in control applications that require gauging and balancing which are statistical computation.
Data handling and manipulation instruction has been approved and simplified to accommodate complex control and data acquisition application that when storage,tracking and retrieving of large amount of data.
programmable controllers are now matured control system offering many more capabilities than were ever anticipated.they are capable of communicating with other control system providing production report,scheduling production,and diagnosis their own failures and those of the machine or process.
These enhancement have made programmable controllers important.contributors in meeting today;s demand for higher quality and productivity.Despite the fact that programmable controllers have become much sophisticated, they still retain the simplicity and ease of operation that indented in their original design.
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