
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Maintenance Optimisation Advantages

1.Reduces maintenance and logistic cost.
2.Reduce resource waste.
3.Increases availability and performance.
4.Minimises system down time.
5.Avoid unplanned down time.
6.Increase productivity and profitability.
7.minimise system equipment repair cost during its life cycle.
8.Recommend repair sites and stock sites for each assembly.
9.Recommend equipment repair only when needed.
10.Optimise preventive maintenance and inspection schedule.

Failure Analysis

The weibull hazard analysis is determined by value of the shape parameter:
h(x) - B/0 (x-d)/0 (B-1)
when B<1, The hazard function is decreasing,this is known as  the infant mortality period.
when B=1,the failure rate is constant
when B>1,the failure rate is increasing,this is known as the wear rate period
where B= the shape parameter
          0 = is the scale parameter
          d= is the location parameter.
There are few observed failure rate that could be accurately modeled.
by the weibull distribution,some specific causes are:
-The breaking strenght of components or the stress required to factigue metals.
-The time to failure for electronic components,
-The time to failure for items that wear out,such as automobile tyres and  
-systems that fail when the weakest components in the system fails (Dolson,1994) 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Failure Analysis

The analysis is drawn through random sampling of machine failures
That if harzard function increases the infant mortality failure, so its causes and persistent in a machine will be attributed to the following;
1.Improper use
2.Improper inspection
3.Improper repair
4.Improper storage of materials
5.Improper installation
6.Poor quality of work
7.Power surges
8.Inadequate testing
9.Damage of material during shipping
10.Poor Supervision.

Failure Analysis

 It is imperative to realize that there are period in which no falure could occur,which also affects the performance of machine,such period is called d,when d <0 failure occur before time equal 0,machine/engine performance could  either be positive (+) or negative(-) index.this might sound  surprise and radiculous but a negative location is caused by failed unit.Failure during transportation and shelf life affects materials and cause delay in maintenance logistics,But generally the location parameters would be assume to be zero.(wellbull,1951).

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Failure And Wear Rate Analysis.

Wear is described or dedined as loss of materials from the contacting surfaces of the gear teeth or slow lossing of metal from the contacting surfaces at a rate that will not affect satisfactory performance with the expected design life of the gear. They are described as follows.
1.Robbing wear which is the result of normal wear in the machine.
2. Cutting wear which is caused by one surface penetrating another machine surface.
3.Rolling fatigue which is primary result of rolling contact within the bearing
4.Combine rolling sliding wear which is result from moving of contact surfaces within a gear system.
5.Severe slidding wear which is caused by excessive loads or heat in gear systems.

Network Analysis For Engine Assembling and Disassembling.

The network analysis for engine assembling and disassembling is used for evaluation of duration of project period,which may involved the following,1. early start, 2.late finish, 3.activity nodes, other activity are: 4.Mobilization
       5.Main components dismantling.
       6.Engine accessories dismantling
       8.Kitting of components.
       9.Testing and calibration of accessories.
     10.Reassembling of components/Torque/Painting
     11.Crank and testing.
     12.Test Run on Load/Performance Test.