
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Inspection During Preventive Mtce Is Important.

It is important to comprehend or know the equipment you monitor or pre experienced,  before conducting an inspection or preventive task,This is because some lubricating restrain could be mistaken for Machine failure and could lead to equipment not being available.There are several pre experience issues that need to be properly traced on operating devices,bearing restrain due to lack of lubrication could lead to dismantling of the bearing for abnormal noise, when such noise can be easily eliminated through lubrication.Operating an equipment with referendum enabled the best operating process and success of the production output.Just watch and reflect on your maintenance systems curriculum to enhance planning.The essence is that in some organization there are no lubrication programme on operating machine mechanism,Machines might be operating for months without sufficient lubrications.but the moment they are adequately being  manitained and lubricate, the more they will perform or operate to their best output without necking.

Friday, June 21, 2019

The Essentiality of Effectiveness in Maintenance Consumable Material Inventory.

The word esssential should always be identified as being important in a standard maintenance cycle of operational of devices,to avoid shutting down operating machines contrary to management recommendation.How do we realise the pains we encounter during such unpreditable plant shutdown,however in normal setting no management will appreciate to see the operating Machines shutdown without a major planned activity.There is time and seasons for every engineering activity that connotes maintenance systems planning.And it is only through such plans that all programs within the facility are drawn,where it is justified through meeting and at agreed time frame, so that it does avert or distort other operational requirements.This is imperative because material that is applicable in such jobs, might be prepared prior to the set interval for the practical actions to take effect.If the maintenance planning interval is shifted from time to time due to one reasons or the other, it arises to inccessant equipment shut down and damages which might result to a higher or inadequate expenditure.So it is imperative to follow the plant or rotating equipment maintenance planning based on the original equipment OEM recommendations,and in accordance to the manufacturer specifications and other definition of terms.,which will also be a standard operational classification of operable method on the equipment or devices.Therefore Inspect or check the recommendations earmark by OEM from time to time, to enable your company to move forward in effective maintenace work of your machines or plants.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Lubrication And Monitoring

The machine parts are designed to enhance operational sequence of the interconnected parts without failure in each of the members of the operating mechanism,It enhance a unique performance in the system, especially the prismatic network profilling,
to enabled proper lubrication of the machine parts without necking.
to allow the oscilatory performance of the parts.
to attain adequate degree of freedom through its components trajectory.
The needs for adequate lubrication is very imperative but varies according to machine designed specification,
And its tailored towards the achievement of the designed specifications of the Machine and longivity of the mechanism.