
Sunday, October 20, 2019


Some organsation keep some special records that are very essential in all their operational emmergency plants or machines.The equipment are tested during the week-end against the adjoining week days just to ascertained that their production operational demands are attained without losses.the method also elevate production requirement and achievement of operational target,it implies that the all set-points are checked and some data are also recorded such as the following,oil temperature,hydraulic pressure,battery voltage,discharge pressure,running hours,water level in the radiator,diesel persent stage,running hour,engine oil pressure,engine speed,suction pressure,radiator water level,operating ambient,drive end and non drive end temperature,after-cooler temperature,oil breather outlet fume,turbo-charger temperature and exhaust fume etc.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


There is sense in this word trouble-shooting ,its meaning may imply an act of investigating a problem, that may eminate in an operating device or system,It could be from an operating plant,vehicle,pump,compressor,turbine,lifting gears and deviation of precision data.It Means that those involved in this search must be extremely careful in the steps to follow. what they may require in troubleshooting could be toolbox or measuring instrument,but they should be sure that all safety measures are enhanced prior starting.Toolbox meeting is essential in this system of assignment program, so that the records of the number of personels can be identified.Inventory of the necessary tools to be used should also be recorded,other instruments that may be used should also be identified.As the investigation starts check every isolation network, if any other application of any device may be required, make calls to inform your contacts.The trouble shooting should be conducted according to the documented procedural steps.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The engineering cost commitment.

In the process of development of some tangible assets,the initial consideration is often geared toward cost or how much that will be involved in the process of time.These circumstances had made industries both manufacturing and poduction network to remain perpectually very low profiled with the insights that they are managing what they had to substain their company income.The industrial area is very essential and involved severed determination, to propels tangible goods and designed that will catapult their production economically. And the product outlays and modification being the main area that will attract customers to patronise their product should be able to compete favourably. It is important to avoid dwendling in an economic environment that can not put your desired diets, foods on the table,when you call yourself an expertised.cost are extremely important to accountant,Engineers,and managers and are used for various purposes,They represent variety of network phenomena and can enable a company strategically .

Engineering Economy.

The sense in this system outlays involved considering the economic steps that are applied in  engineering structuring,its involvement in reduction of cost,and profit optimization.The term economy serve as a cardinal towards the development of the organization,and has an identity crisis.It involved means of controlling steps that consume exessive expenditure and a way of investment,others are as follows:1,reduction of cost and optimization of the profits
2,In this comparism steps, it uses several systems of cost axioms and concepts. And it can be grouped into categories such as 3.Future and opportunity costs,4.fixed and variable cost.5.Average and marginal costs cycle costs 7.Direct and overhead cost 8.Past or sunk cost.etc

Optimization of maintenance

In optimising of maintenance,it is important or imperative to know parameters obtained in several essential element to correlate these results obtained in their several test and operating performance.The metrology and alignment inspections results are most likely data,indexes, or factors that might be compared, which may also necessitate their operating life, in which the ambient is compared,temperature within some certain operating devices has to be regulated for efficient performance.So there should be regular monitory.why do we have to propel this idea of inspection of installed equipment and available technology within the operating background of such important factors is to determine the systems life cycle and the operating intervals.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sensitivity Of Proper Application of Maintenance.

There are issues that matters while operating sensitive devices such as compressors,it may be gas or air compressors but the phenomena that they undergo are critical and very dynamic.If on the sequence of conducting maintenance activity, it should be handled carefully with appropriate specified grades and categories of accessories,and those items should be replaced in their right sequence and orderly.It is certainly that it can operate without incessant stoppage, which may often develop when the itemised parts are not replaced accordingly.So the Supervision should be carefully handled to avoid unpredicted event.This is because it is very essential and requires good and efficient monitoring to enhanced the ultimate performing hours of the machines.If this maintenance steps are performed accordingly, the expected running hours will be achieved without necking.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Manufacturing Quality Actualization.

In this present dispensation manufacturing of some operational devices are gaining background while some are equally deterioting in design and manufacture. Some others are equally improving from local manufacturing product to a more unit design capable to be compared internationally. But the question is can people compared and patronise bad production with poor quality control.In the entirety of  this earth no poor manufacturer can continue in poor work, knowing very well that tangible quality product is based on expertise, efficient engineering and re-engineering.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Advantages of machine profile update.

Machine profile may imply status and performance coefficient,with fitted parts of the devices that have been assembled to accomplish certain requirement of the production output.The design factors of such devices are essential, because of their performance interval.It is also economical due to the sensitivity of some special task,and phenomenon they may undergo in the industry.It may be in  a production flowstation, tank farm, or factory and others.Inspection are conducted from time to time to achieve precise result of the production effectivity and prevent insurgence or failures on the process network. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Maintenance Skills.

It is true that all professions are almost the same in the sense that there is a transmission and interaction of knowledge,skill and idea.maintenance is an essential area where skills is adapted to propel operating devices, discussion in this professional zone requires tangible practical application and interpretation of design and adaptation, though theoritical understanding is also very essential. those who study in such areas interact in other to develop a guideine that might enable them to illustrate the strategies involved.A professional determine how to arrange or recreate his circumstance in order to achieve a tangible outcome.If  a project is mapped out,it will require to deterimine time frame, cost of materials, hiring of labour and other prerequisite.So projects are important and recreates operating enviroment.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Safety tips On Installation Of Equipment In A Deep Drain Pit

It is obvious that production water pit in some production plants are often very deep,some are provided with a climbing ladder while others may be without a climbing source,but their construction systems may also deviate, which might be as a result of what its content may be made for,we must be very careful when working in such area or place.
It will be an advantage for personnel working in such area to know the implication of falling into such pit especially when there are no other work group in such an environment.
So in such condition the following safety gadgets should always be available for rescue purposes. 1).Safety floater, ii)Safety ropes of various sizes 3) Emmergency alarm etc.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Insight In Machinery development.-An Overview..

It is pleasant to discuss on the word  insight in operating and production machineries, insight might mean a way of prediction and visualizing what may occur in operating machines or equipment if adequate steps are not earmarked from the initiation stage such as,assembling,installation and completion will arise to drawdown in its performance,This area of development of the machinery components design is very important and careful steps are taken to gather the necessary components and accessories involved in the machinery assembling, operational sequence and performance capacity.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Inspection During Preventive Mtce Is Important.

It is important to comprehend or know the equipment you monitor or pre experienced,  before conducting an inspection or preventive task,This is because some lubricating restrain could be mistaken for Machine failure and could lead to equipment not being available.There are several pre experience issues that need to be properly traced on operating devices,bearing restrain due to lack of lubrication could lead to dismantling of the bearing for abnormal noise, when such noise can be easily eliminated through lubrication.Operating an equipment with referendum enabled the best operating process and success of the production output.Just watch and reflect on your maintenance systems curriculum to enhance planning.The essence is that in some organization there are no lubrication programme on operating machine mechanism,Machines might be operating for months without sufficient lubrications.but the moment they are adequately being  manitained and lubricate, the more they will perform or operate to their best output without necking.

Friday, June 21, 2019

The Essentiality of Effectiveness in Maintenance Consumable Material Inventory.

The word esssential should always be identified as being important in a standard maintenance cycle of operational of devices,to avoid shutting down operating machines contrary to management recommendation.How do we realise the pains we encounter during such unpreditable plant shutdown,however in normal setting no management will appreciate to see the operating Machines shutdown without a major planned activity.There is time and seasons for every engineering activity that connotes maintenance systems planning.And it is only through such plans that all programs within the facility are drawn,where it is justified through meeting and at agreed time frame, so that it does avert or distort other operational requirements.This is imperative because material that is applicable in such jobs, might be prepared prior to the set interval for the practical actions to take effect.If the maintenance planning interval is shifted from time to time due to one reasons or the other, it arises to inccessant equipment shut down and damages which might result to a higher or inadequate expenditure.So it is imperative to follow the plant or rotating equipment maintenance planning based on the original equipment OEM recommendations,and in accordance to the manufacturer specifications and other definition of terms.,which will also be a standard operational classification of operable method on the equipment or devices.Therefore Inspect or check the recommendations earmark by OEM from time to time, to enable your company to move forward in effective maintenace work of your machines or plants.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Lubrication And Monitoring

The machine parts are designed to enhance operational sequence of the interconnected parts without failure in each of the members of the operating mechanism,It enhance a unique performance in the system, especially the prismatic network profilling,
to enabled proper lubrication of the machine parts without necking.
to allow the oscilatory performance of the parts.
to attain adequate degree of freedom through its components trajectory.
The needs for adequate lubrication is very imperative but varies according to machine designed specification,
And its tailored towards the achievement of the designed specifications of the Machine and longivity of the mechanism.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Environment of operational Machinery location.

The machineries are important equipment that are provided to enhance day to day production and other operational requirement.It can operate for a much longer interval without failure,and through out the year without tear and fatigue, but it requires adequate care or protection.And by this highlights,so there should always be a regular inspection on the accessories and lubricatory processes.This follow up should be a mandatory day to day activities and the parameters obtained should be inspected by a senior technical officer to ensure that it conform to what is stated or its regulatory steps. The environment where the devices are located should also be cleaned or washed and adequatly ventilated and should be made free from hazardous materials.The maintenance of such an area should also be inspected by a team of management to ensure compliance and protection of the aforementioned devices.It should extremely be kept dry floor and fully ventilated with all the necessary safety protective fire extingushers and other preventive apparatus.

Monitoring Machine Operating Condition.

The life cycle of every operating equipment is very important and should be treated very carefully because machine operating life cycle has to be secured through weekly evaluation reports.
-the weekly report provides an overview for monthly equipment operational audit through the following factors. The regular checks on these equipment parameters enabled cumulative data that are used to determine the maintenance interval for each maintenance cycle of a machine.
- operating parameter of the equipment is logged into a notebook for pre-monthly equipment performance review.
-it details parameters for equipment performance and enable an approach for logging the running hours into a data base. It is through these processes that the servicing of most essential equipment is obtained or scheduled, the maintenance steps are categorised into various stages in order to protect the equipment.and determine the following parameters:
Service interval of the equipment
and type of maintenance to be conducted.etc

Saturday, May 4, 2019


* Why do we have to monitor machine while in operation.
* why is the rotating condition of the machine essential to be observed for some interval after it has  started

The condition of every producing machines need to be monitored while it is operating:
- to enhance confirmation of its resonance and ascertaining that every anciliaries in the device are working according to their designed specification.
-to ensure that there are no loosed brackets,and its operating at the recommended standard specified speed by the original equipment manufacturer.
-to take adequate records of the parameters including the oil level,water, lubrication,temperation and in comparism to the ambient temperature within the vicinity.
what are the things to be monitored apart from the above specifications. it may involved the following: product output,the pressure within the systems,the temperature of the operating equipment,the resonance or noise ,vibration,pressure,leakages, and many others etc.
why is the rotating condition of the machine essential?.if a machine is started,the first thing to be observed is the rotation, because any machine rotation that does not conform to its operating principles will damaged the machine.!!! so be wise and make sure you observe how your machines and other devices of your systems are operating. operateds.BEWISE...........................................BEWISE.........................BEWISE.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Vibration Effects on Operating Equipment.

Technically, operating a machine with abnormal vibration signal is impossible in the sense that it can result to distortion of the machinery, It implied that as soon as the amplitude of the machine resonance is in disharmony ,the operating device will tripped on fault, or it should be stopped, and the malfunctioned parts should be replaced.There are several measures that will be required or applied to adentify the factors of decay:
1. The temperation of the operating device will increase in contrast to the norminal or ambient temperature rating of the device.
2,It will develop an abnorml noise and the transient effect will be transmitted to other operating components.
3.It can result to slacken electric motor flange, and if not properly traced,it will transmit to the inner core of the machinery.
4.It can also affect the rotating belt life, motion, tear, which in effect could lead to incessant belt vibration and wear. Monitor your operating machines regularly and avoid falsification of abnomal information on any operating devices, 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Trouble shooting of machine vibration

It may take quite some years to observe some abnormal factor that may develop in an installed equipment or machinery. These details are written for the end users of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), on machinery and other installation initiators. Every equipment sold by OEM is embedded with  some instructional steps that may guide buyers. It may include assembling and disassemblying and method of installation of the machinery,and other installation steps, including the foundation.Of course such equipment installation and operation are firstly handled by these companies for transferency of operation and other technology. A test will also be performed by these group of companies to ensure the efficiency of performance of the equipment or machinery.Hence  the organization might also request to train some personels that might take charge of the equipment. It is the instruction earmarked by these manufactuer that provides the methodology on the application and the serviceability factors of the equipment.If the user are careful on the instructions for process handling and operational details methodology,a yardstick for the best performance indexes of the machinery will be obtained. These process enable other details that are essential for the functional intervals of the machineries to be adequately utilized with effecient performance in production operation and maintenance. In some circumstances vibration occurence will be eliminated during the installation of the plant or equipment by the organization.And due to their effectiveness the professionals will handle the alignment processes to precision. Due protect your knowledge of production,operation and maintenance with some effecient standard and adequate professional ethice. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

effect of temperature on heat exchanger.

Most operating device or equipment that uses heat exchanger as a cooling source or a media through which heat can be dissipated from the operating equipment should be adequately treated.These equipment cannot function effectively when there is inadequate cleaning of the fins.
And one of the most essential need for regulatory sequence of the sixth monthly maintenance is for avoidance of failure,so the monitoring of the performance of the plant and its accessories can enhance an effective predictive evaluation.The coolers and its accessories should be duely programmed for maintenance on sixth monthly, on a close supervision,this will enhance an effective performance of the plant. The coolers are sensitive heat dissipation element consisting of fins and tubing arranged in such a manner that barriers can be easily eliminated to enhance higher production output of the tubine without knecking.However the optimal leverage of the turbine effeciency are also micro manage to prevent down time.paraventure in company or organization where maintenance are enabled to suit the plant management programme of this nature,the team and programme should be tailored.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Description of Lift.and lifting accessories.

 In most cases when working in an environment where hydrocarbon is being produced,and a displacement of an operating machine or other sensitive equipment is required.The following steps should be conducted,i conduct survey in that particular area where the lifting work will be carried out. check the tophology of  the area  and if posibble test the porosity of the soil to confirm it is save for craning.check the load capacity if possible consult the site lifting supervisor for other necessary requirement.check the safe working load of the crane and approval details of the lifting crane and other recommendation,Also check the operator particulars and other necessary documentation .